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Functional Annotation of ANimal Genomes (FAANG) Project
— A coordinated international action to accelerate Genome to Phenome

2025 AG2PI Single Cell Field Days

  • All sessions will be during 11:00-12:30 EST on designated dates
  • Zoom sessions will be recorded and made available at a later date
  • Contact: Tuggle, Christopher (cktuggleiastate.edu)


    (All times are US Eastern time)
    March 5 Strategies for assigning cell identity in single-cell datasets

    Organizers: Fiona McCarthy/Ben Cole

    11:00-11:05 Session objective, Introduction of speakers, Instructions to participants. Ben Cole Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and Fiona McCarthy University of Arizona.
    11:05-11:30 "Orthologous marker groups reveal broad cell identity conservation across plant single-cell transcriptomes." Song Li, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, USA
    11:30-11:55 "CellTypist and CellHint: towards automated annotation and integration of single-cell data." Chaun Xu, Cambridge Stem Cell Institute, Cambridge, UK
    11:55-12:05 Q&A for the speakers
    12:05-12:30 Community discussion about assigning cell identity in single-cell data.
    March 12 The use of single cell data for advancing Genome 2 Phenome.

    Organizers: Chris Tuggle, Wes Warren

    11:00-11:05 Session objective, Introduction of speakers, Instructions to participants. Wes Warren, University of Missouri.
    11:05-11:30 "Cell type Expression phenotyping from deconvolution of bulk RNAseq data." Chris Tuggle Iowa State University, Ames, USA.
    11:30-11:55 "The sc-eQTLGen consortium framework: a federated pipeline for genotype- and phenotype-based association analyses." Monique van der Wijst, Groningen University Medical Center, Groningen, The Netherlands.
    11:55-12:05 Q&A for the speakers.
    12:05-12:30 Community discussion about assigning cell identity in single-cell data
    Activities are funded by USDA-AG2PI Award Number 2024-70412-43649 "Empowering G2P in Agriculture: Building a Collaborative Environment for Single-Cell Applications".



    © 2014-2025 FAANG Consortium Contact: faang@iastate.edu